In the customized OPC library, select the symbol folder.
Click the Graphics tab.
Click Edit.
The Graphic Editor displays.
In the View tab, enable the following views:
Library Browser.
Element Tree.
Evaluation Editor.
In the Library Browser view, proceed as follows (see Figure Selection of a Fire Symbol): a. Select the fire detection library (for example, Fire_Detection_HQ_1). b. Select a symbol with dynamic background (make sure the name begins with DYN_3D). c. Right-click the symbol and select Edit.
The symbol displays.
In the Element Tree view, proceed as follows (see Figures The Symbol Instance Editing and Selection of the Background Image): a. Click Show all Elements at the bottom. b. Expand the Layer tree. c. Right-click SymbolInstance and select Symbol Instance > Edit. NOTE: If the SymbolInstance item does not display, the symbol you chose has no animated background available.
A second editing pane displays with the background image selected. d. Expand the Layer tree and select Ellipse.
In the Evaluation Editor view, proceed as follows (see Figure Settings for the Blinking Effect): a. In the Property drop-down list, select Blinking. b. In the Expression text field, type {*}.Status?0 c. In the Condition text field, type the OPC data point value corresponding to unacked (blinking) conditions, for example 1. d. Make sure the Value check box is selected. NOTE: If other values require blinking, add more rows using the Insert new Condition icon at the bottom. On each row, enter a new value and check the Value check box.
Click Save As .
In the Save As window that displays, proceed as follows: a. Select the symbol folder of the customized OPC library. b. Rename the background image, for example: DYN_OPC_Fire_SummaryStatus_Central_002 instead of the original: DYN_All_Generic_SummaryStatus_Central_002 NOTE: Take note of the modified name of the background image. You will need it for the symbol image configuration. c. Click Save.
The background image displays in the Graphics tab of the symbol folder of the customized OPC library.
The Graphic EditorSelection of a Fire SymbolThe Symbol Instance EditingSelection of the Background ImageSettings for the Blinking EffectThe Background Image Saved in the Symbol Folder