Modifications when using extract sensors
The h,x diagram used the function room temperature and room humidity for the calculation. The function for these two sensors must be adapted if the room sensor is unavailable or replaced by a corresponding extract air sensor.
- In System Browser, select Management View.
- Select the extract air temperature sensor Project > Field Networks > [Network] > Hardware > [Device] > Extract air temperature.
- Select the Object Configurator tab.
- In the Settings expander, select Function, and option SensorRoomTemperature from the drop-down list.
- Click Save
- Select the extract air temperature sensor Project > Field Networks > [Network] > Hardware > [Device] > Extract air humidity.
- Select the Object Configurator tab.
- In the Settings expander, select Function, and option SensorRoomHumidity from the drop-down list.
- Click Save
- The h,x diagram is configured and can be tested.